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Dimensions of Insideness and Outsideness

This short Text introduces readers to the ideas behind the InOut project, which is closely connected to the various dimensions of 'In-side-ness' and 'Out-side-ness'. It also gives a brief overview of the Resource Package, putting the different units in the context of the complete course... Read more.



The Dérive

Student teachers are given a brief PowerPoint presentation on the theory and practices of the Dérive - a critical form of walking. They are then invited to form small groups of 3-4 and to explore their immediate outside environment... Read more.



Pie Graph - Identity and Belonging

The unit provides an opportunity for students to recognise that they can maintain a unique identity while belonging to many groups. It raises awareness that in a group there are differences between individuals as well as things which are shared and held in common... Read more.



Early School Leavers
This unit introduces students to the topic of “Early school leavers”. It provides basic information and data exploring the situation of Early School Leavers in Europe and raises the question what early school leaving means for the individual school leaver and for society...
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Early School Leavers - Who Fails and Why?

This unit will present one of the most challenging topics in the European education policy. After having offered an overview (definition, figures, recent evolution, European targets), a case study will be presented: Spain, one of the countries with the highest rate of ESL and huge differences between regions... 

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Growth Mindset

The unit will deal with the topic of certain beliefs, known as learning mindsets, and particularly, with that of growth mindset beliefs, which lie at the heart of school learning and have been proved to impact on academic performance.... Read more 


Team Building Activities and Ice Breakers

This unit uses ice-breakers to welcome participants and warm-up the conversation among them in a team building session. It aims at helping students to get to know each other and understand what everyone brings to the team and how to best interact with their peers....Read more.



Cartima Lower Secondary School

The unit will present one case study of a school in the Málaga area that deliberately develops policies in order to…

  • involve the community in school life and, at the same time,

  • actively engage the school in the outside community... Read more.

Insideness / Outsideness in Humanistic Geography
The unit introduces students to the concept of “insideness” and “outsideness” developed by the humanistic geographer Edward Relph in his PhD thesis “Place and placelessness” published in 1976 ... Read more.
Pedagogical Insideness and Outsideness
This unit encourages educators to critically consider what it means to be an insider and an outsider in an educational community and what the advantages and disadvantages of these different positions can be... Read more.
School Culture, Learning Culture

This unit prepares students for a school visit. It uses the concept of school culture as a theoretical framework for preparation, as this concept shows the hidden parts of school life that may link to school dropout as well. ... Read more.

Teachers' Competences in
Multicultural School Settings

This unit helps student teachers to reflect on the various competences a teacher needs in a multicultural school setting. The students are introduced to the case study of a Hungarian multicultural school and community as well as to the notion of teacher competences... Read more.

History of Education: The Nation State throughout Material Culture
This unit introduces students to the concept of material culture and the history of education. It is focused on objects in schooling that were chained by action and routines. These artefacts can be sources for a better understanding of history... Read more.
Using Process Drama as a Tool for Teaching Additional Languages
Student teachers are invited to participate in a one hour workshop which models the use of process drama to teach additional languages. The workshop is led by language teacher educators who also have some knowledge of drama techniques... Read more.
Appreciating Linguistic Diversity through Language Portraits 

This unit explores the linguistic diversity in our classrooms by using autobiographical portraits of language experiences and practices. It aims at familiarising students and teachers with the linguistic wealth and diversity present in our classrooms... Read more.

Cultural Literacies

This unit encourages educators to critically consider their assumptions around the role of language in education and introduces why and how language can differ... Read more.

Drama Education Conventions
Drama conventions are ways of organising time, space and action to create meaning. They allow all members of the group to participate in the drama in an organised and hopefully challenging way.  Different conventions can allow for different levels of participation.... Read more.
Drama for Teaching and Learning
Drama and performance techniques are well established tools for teaching and learning. In the field of education drama – based teaching and learning has long history.... Read more.
Cognitive Styles: 'Intu' and 'Ana'
This 90-minute session starts with a short introduction explaining the background and the goal of the session. Different drama techniques are used during the learning process: Drama Games, Image Theatre, Continuum, Interviewing, Role Play, Reflection. .... Read more.


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