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University of Chester

Dr. Allan Owens

Allan Owens is Professor of Drama Education and Co-Director of the Centre for Research in Creativity, Education and the Arts through Practice (RECAP) University of Chester where he is also Distinguished Teaching Fellow and National Teaching Fellow. Current work focuses on creative pedagogy, the intercultural dimension of drama and in particular the use of arts based initiatives in organisational contexts. Allan has led long-term capacity building projects, run intensive short programs, developed research initiatives and staged pre-text based interactive performances in collaboration with colleagues locally, nationally and internationally.


Dr. Bethan Hulse

Dr Bethan Hulse is a teacher educator at the University of Chester, England.

Her subject specialism is Additional Language Acquisition and she is responsible for preparing teachers to teach French, German and Spanish in Secondary schools. She also teaches Research Methods on Masters and Doctoral programmes.

She has published articles on creative pedagogy  and the use of Drama as a tool for language teaching.  

Linköping University

Dr. Per Simfors

Per Simfors holds a Ph.D. in Germanic Languages and Literatures from Washington University in St. Louis, a Master’s Degree in Languages Education in Swedish and German from the University of Gothenburg, and has also studied Philosophy and German in Bamberg, Germany, and Graz, Austria. He has more than 25 years of teaching experience in the field of languages and culture at school and university levels in Sweden and abroad, including numerous visiting lecturer assignments at universities and colleges and other shorter and longer periods of stay in Finland, Germany, Austria, USA, England, and Costa Rica. Per Simfors has been involved in several school-university cooperation initiatives and other European projects, including Erasmus Intensive Programmes, Comenius Regio and Erasmus+ projects.  He is currently head of Swedish Studies for foreign students and a member of the committee for international affairs at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at Linköping University.

Europa Universität Flensburg

Dr. Holger Jahnke

Holger Jahnke is full professor for geography and geography education at the Europa-Universität Flensburg since 2007. Holger’s academic interests include the epistemology of geographical thinking, the intersection between arts and science, cultural and humanistic approaches in geography as well as geography of education and geography education. He studied geography, French and Italian at the universities of Heidelberg, Nantes, Siena and Palermo before receiving his PhD from the Humboldt University in Berlin. Based on his own study and teaching experiences in schools and universities in several countries in Europe and beyond, Holger has been involved in several international projects in the field of transnational teaching and global sustainable development.


University of Jyväskylä

Dr. Josephine Moate

Dr. Josephine Moate is a senior lecturer in education based in the Department of Teacher Education at the University of Jyväskylä. Josephine coordinates a programme specialising in foreign language education for younger learners and is currently leading a project to identify and develop innovative pedagogies in language education in Finland. Josephine's research interests include dialogic approaches to education and teacher development. Josephine's interest in intercultural development and learning largely come from her own experience as an outside-insider or inside-outsider having been raised in Britain before moving to Finland as a young teacher.

Universidad de Málaga

Dr. Elvira Barrios Espinosa

Elvira Barrios Espinosa is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education at the University of Málaga (Spain). She was a secondary school teacher for four years. Her work as a teacher educator and researcher focuses on foreign language teaching and learning, teachers' beliefs and pre- and in-service teacher professional development. 

Dr. Carmen Sanchidrián

Carmen Sanchidrián is Professor of Theory and History of Education at the University of Málaga (Spain) since 1999.

Her research interests include the study of material culture of education, the history of early childhood education, teacher training, women’s education, and  museums and heritage education. Current research focuses on new ways of teaching, learning and presenting the History of Education, the use of images and artefacts and inquiry-based learning. She has been involved in several research projects and has published numerous papers and articles in the above mentioned fields of study.

Pädagogische Hochschule Wien

Mag. Brigitte Roth

Brigitte Roth teaches English and teacher education  at PH Wien and the University of Vienna as a senior lecturer. She teaches future primary and secondary school teachers. Her courses focus on creative language instruction, school practice, storytelling and reading for young learners, and English language teaching (ELT) methodology. She works in the International Office and has taken part in numerous Erasmus/Erasmus+ intensive programs focusing on teacher education and the multilingual and intercultural classroom.


Mag. Silvia Jindra

Silvia Jindra studied at the University of Vienna where she graduated with a Master’s in English and French. She spent a year in Lyon, France, as a German language assistant teacher. After many rewarding years teaching at a grammar school in Vienna, Silvia became responsible for meeting the in-service training needs of secondary teachers at the University of Teacher Education. She was a lecturer in CPD programmes for teachers in St. Petersburg (Russia), Belgrade (Serbia) and Zagreb (Croatia) focusing on language teaching and diversity education.  Silvia is a mentor teacher for novice teachers, a lecturer in the international programme for Erasmus students and a senior lecturer in foreign language methodology at the University of Teacher Education and the University of Vienna.  

Tartu Ülikool

Katrin Nielsen


Aurika Komsaare

Aurika Komsaare is a lecturer of intercultural communication and pedagogy as well as Russian and Estonian language at the University of Tartu, Viljandi Cuture Academy and Beijing International Studies University. One of her pedagogical and research interests is how to use informal methods, which often have a stronger motivational power than traditional lectures, in formal education. Her other area of interest is learning styles, or cognitive styles.

Dr. Erika Kopp

Erika Kopp is an associate professor at Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology Institute of Education. She works as a teacher trainer and as a lecturer in the University’s Education MA programme and in Doctoral School of Education. She is interested in teacher’s professional development and has been involved in development projects related with school improvement and Teacher Education. Her current research focuses on Innovative Protestant Schools in Hungary.


Orsolya Kálmán

Orsolya Kálmán works as an assistant professor at the Institute of Education at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology. She has been involved in developing of and teaching in teacher education programme, pedagogy BA and MA and the European Doctorate Programme in Teacher Education (EDiTE) at her university. Her interests as a teacher educator and researcher are teachers’ professional development and learning, adaptive schools, beliefs about learning and teaching, collaborative learning.


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