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Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport. It runs for seven years, from 2014 to 2020, with organisations invited to apply for funding each year to undertake creative and worthwhile action. 


The programme aims to enable more than four million people to study, train, volunteer orwork in another country. Access to international experience not only benefitsthe individuals involved, but also their organisations – enabling them to developpolicy and practice, and so offer improved opportunities for learners.


Erasmus+ has responded to changing circumstances in Europe, and the growing concern for social inclusion, by encouraging new project applications which emphasise the following:

- Reaching out to marginalised young people, promoting diversity, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, common values of freedom, tolerance and respect of human rights;

- Enhancing media literacy, critical thinking and sense of initiative of young people;

- Equipping youth workers with competences and methods needed for transferring the common fundamental values of our society particularly to the hard to reach young people;

- Preventing violent radicalisation of young people, together with youth mobility projects involving or focussing on the refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.


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